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NumericValue - Send and receive numeric values over KNX


NumericValue devices send values to the KNX bus. Received values update the devices state. Optionally the current state can be read from the KNX bus.


  • xknx is the XKNX object.
  • name is the name of the object.
  • group_address is the KNX group address of the numeric value device. Used for sending.
  • group_address_state is the KNX group address of the numeric value device.
  • respond_to_read if True GroupValueRead requests to the group_address are answered. Defaults to False
  • sync_state defines if and how often the value should be actively read from the bus. If False no GroupValueRead telegrams will be sent to its group address. Defaults to True
  • value_type controls how the value should be encoded / decoded. The attribute may have may have parseable value types representing numeric values.
  • always_callback defines if a callback shall be triggered for consecutive GroupValueWrite telegrams with same payload. Defaults to False
  • device_updated_cb Callback for each update.


value = NumericValue(
    name='Temperature limit',

# Set a value without sending to the bus
value.sensor_value.value = 23.0

# Send a new value to the bus
await value.set(24.0)

# Returns the value of in a human readable way

# Returns the unit of the value as string

# Returns the last received telegram or None