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Asynchronous Python Library for KNX

XKNX is an Asynchronous Python library for reading and writing KNX/IP packets.

Coverage Status



  • … does cooperative multitasking via asyncio and is 100% thread safe.
  • … provides support for KNX/IP routing and tunneling devices.
  • … supports KNX IP Secure - via tunneling or routing.
  • … supports KNX Data Secure group communication.
  • … has strong coverage with unit tests.
  • … automatically updates and synchronizes all devices in the background periodically.
  • … listens for all updates of all devices on the KNX bus and updates the corresponding internal objects.
  • … has a clear abstraction of data/network/logic-layer.
  • … does clean connect and disconnect requests to the tunneling device and reconnects if KNX/IP connection failed.
  • … ships with Home Assistant.


XKNX depends on Python >= 3.10

You can install XKNX as Python package via pip:

pip install xknx

Hello World

import asyncio
from xknx import XKNX
from import group_value_write

async def main():
    async with XKNX() as xknx:
        # send a binary Telegram
        group_value_write(xknx, "1/2/3", True)
        # send a generic 1-byte Telegram
        group_value_write(xknx, "1/2/4", [0x80])
        # send a Telegram with an encoded value
        group_value_write(xknx, "1/2/4", 50, value_type="percent")

For more examples please check out the examples page

Getting Help

For questions, feature requests, bugreports either join the XKNX chat on Discord, open an issue at GitHub or write an email.


Many thanks to MDT technologies GmbH and Weinzierl Engineering GmbH for providing us each an IP Secure Router to support testing and development of xknx.