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3.3.0 Climate humidity 2024-10-20


  • Climate: Added humidity support

3.2.0 Climate Fan speed 2024-09-23


  • Climate: Added fan speed support

3.1.1 Fix Eberle status 2024-08-19


  • Fix DPTHVACStatus inverted bit order

3.1.0 DPT 1 2024-08-13


  • Add DPT 1 definitions (as of KNX Specification 03_07_02 version 02.02.01)


  • ClimateMode: Restore Climate.suppports_operation_mode and Climate.supports_controller_mode to be True when read-only (like pre 3.0.0)
  • ClimateMode: Filter custom controller / operation modes for available settable modes
  • ClimateMode: For binary operation modes, only list configured modes and Standby in operation_modes


  • Fix log message for DPT decoding errors in GroupAddressDPT parsing

3.0.0 Eager telegram decoding, DPTComplex and DPTEnum 2024-07-31

Breaking changes

  • Drop support for Python 3.9
  • Change callback signatures from awaitable to callable in XKNX.device_updated_cb, TelegramQueue, Device, Devices, ConnectionManager and RemoteValue.
  • Remove async from functions / methods (nothing has to be awaited there)
    • Tools: group_value_write, group_value_response and group_value_read
    • ConnectionManager: .connection_state_changed
    • Device: .process, .process_group_write, .process_group_read, .process_group_response
    • Devices: .process
    • RemoteValue: .set, .respond, .process and .update_value
    • ValueReader: .send_group_read
  • Rename DPT transcoder modules for schema xknx.dpt.dpt_<main-number>.py


  • Fix value scaling for sensor types: time_period_100msec, time_period_10msec, delta_time_10ms, delta_time_100ms, percentV16


  • Added eager telegram data decoding for GroupValueWrite / GroupValueResponse Telegrams. DPTs for group addresses can be set using xknx.group_address_dpt.set(). Telegram has a new attribute decoded_data which is set when a decoder was found.


  • A Device doesn’t auto-add to xknx.devices anymore. It can be done via xknx.devices.async_add() now. xknx.devices.async_remove stops a device from processing telegrams, removes from StateUpdater and cancels its internal tasks. Removed devices can be added again.
  • Device.shutdown method is removed
  • Refactor ClimateMode device
  • Rename ClimateMode argument group_address_operation_mode_night to group_address_operation_mode_economy
  • Remove DPT 3 special handling stepwise_* and startstop_* from Sensor device
  • Remove DateTime device in favour of DateDevice, TimeDevice and DateTimeDevice using datetime objects instead of time.struct_time


  • DPTComplex: Common interface for DPT transcoders with multi-value data. Resulting dataclasses can be converted to and from a dict with DPT specific properties to be JSON compatible.
  • Added or refactored complex DPTs and dataclasses:
    • 3.007 - DPTControlDimming
    • 3.008 - DPTControlBlinds
    • 10.001 - DPTTime - KNXTime
    • 11.001 - DPTDate - KNXDate
    • 18.001 - DPTSceneControl
    • 19.001 - DPTDateTime - KNXDateTime
    • 232.600 - DPTColorRGB - RGBColor
    • 235.001 - DPTTariffActiveEnergy - TariffActiveEnergy
    • 242.600 - DPTColorXYY - XYYColor
    • 251.600 - DPTColorRGBW - RGBWColor
    • 20.60102 - DPTHVACStatus - HVACStatus (removed DPTControllerStatus in favour of this)
  • DPTEnum: Common interface for DPT representing enumueration values. Transcoders accept Enum, string or raw integer values for encoding.
    • 1.007 - DPTStep
    • 1.008 - DPTUpDown
    • 1.100 - DPTHeatCool
    • 20.102 - DPTHVACMode - HVACOperationMode
      • rename “NIGHT” to “ECONOMY” and “FROST_PROTECTION” to “BUILDING_PROTECTION” according to KNX specifications
    • 20.105 - DPTHVACContrMode - HVACControllerMode
      • rename “DRY” to “DEHUMIDIFICATION” and add some values according to KNX specifications
  • Change DPT number of Enthalpy from 9.999 to 9.60000 (manufacturer specific range)
  • Support dict values with “main” and “sub” keys for DPTBase.parse_transcoder()
  • Verify DPTBinary max payload bitsize when decoding by transcoders payload_length


  • InternalGroupAddress attribute address is renamed to raw to be in line with GroupAddress (although still str). Its value has an “i-“ prefix.


  • Use slots in addresses, Telegram, DPTBinary, DPTArray, TPCI, APCI, DPTComplexData
  • Convert Telegram and APCI to dataclasses. Telegram is not hashable anymore.
  • RemoteValue instances use pre-decoded data from Telegrams if available and dpt_class for is set - otherwise they decode the data themselves in from_knx like before.
  • Remove RemoteValueControl and unused RemoteValue1Count class
  • Add value argument to RemoteValue after_update_cb callback

2.12.2 Fix thread leak 2024-03-05


  • Fix thread leak when initial connection attempt fails (on threaded connection mode).

2.12.1 Address error messages 2024-02-26


  • More detailed address parsing error messages.

2.12.0 Broadcasts 2024-02-05


  • None is not a valid address parameter for GroupAddress and IndividualAddress anymore. It raises CouldNotParseAddress.
  • None in a RemoteValue or Device group address list is now ignored instead of parsed as broadcast address.
  • Broadcast address (“0/0/0”) is now invalid for RemoteValue and Device group addresses and raises CouldNotParseAddress.


  • Add handling mechanism and sending method for broadcast telegrams in the management class.
  • Add new management procedures for device management: nm_invididual_address_write, nm_individual_address_read, nm_individual_address_serial_number_read and nm_individual_address_serial_number_write.


  • Parse project_name from an ETS Keyring.


  • Use ruff format and more ruff linters. Remove black, isort, flake8 and pyupgrade from requirements.

2.11.2 DPT 9 small negative fix 2023-07-24


  • Fix DPT 9 handling of values < 0 and >= -0.005. These are now rounded to 0 instead of being sent as -20.48.

2.11.1 DateTime fix 2023-06-26


  • Fix processing custom time data in DateTime devices.

2.11.0 DateTime state 2023-06-25


  • Add group_address_state, respond_to_read and sync_state arguments to DateTime devices.
  • Add DPT 9 support for Light color temperature.


  • Remove pydocstyle and flake8 plugins, add pytest-icdiff to testing requirements.

2.10.0 Tunnelling Feature 2023-05-08


  • Support Tunnelling Feature service messages.

2.9.0 Spring cleanup 2023-04-22


  • For Python <3.11 dependency async_timeout is added as backport for asyncio.timeout.


  • Replace asyncio.wait_for with asyncio.timeout.
  • Add Ruff to pre-commit and tox.
  • Use pyproject.toml for specifying project metadata.

2.8.0 Hostnames 2023-04-12


  • Resolve IP addresses from hostname or adapter name for gateway_ip or local_ip.


  • Handle empty list for group addresses in RemoteValue.


  • Refactor DPTBase transcoder classes
    • Accept DPTArray or DPTBinary in DPTBase.from_knx() instead of raw tuple[int].
    • Return DPTArray or DPTBinary from DPTBase.to_knx() instead of tuple[int, ...].
    • Remove payload_valid() from RemoteValue and remove payload type form its generics parameters.

2.7.0 IP Device Management 2023-03-15


  • Add support for Device Management Configuration service.
  • Support CEMI M_Prop messages.
  • Don’t ignore CEMIFrames with source address equal to xknx.current_address.


  • Use CEMILData instead of CEMIFrame in DataSecure.
  • Move init_from_telegram() from CEMIFrame to CEMILData. telegram() is now a method of CEMILData instead of a property of CEMIFrame.

2.6.0 Connection information 2023-02-27


  • When ConnectionConfig.individual_address is set and a Keyring is given ConnectionType.AUTOMATIC will try to connect to the host of this address. If not found (in keyfile or discovery) it will raise.
  • Add CEMIFrame counters connection type and timestamp of connection start.


  • Lower log levels for unsupported Telegrams and add more information.
  • Move CEMIFrame parsing from Interface to CEMIHandler.

2.5.0 Request IA 2023-02-14


  • Use only Interfaces listed in Keyring when ConnectionType.AUTOMATIC is used and a Keyring is configured.
  • Request specific tunnel by individual address for TCP connections when ConnectionConfig.individual_address is set.


  • Parse Data Secure credentials form Keyring from non-IP-Secure interfaces.
  • Parse Data Secure credentials from Keyrings exported for specific interfaces.
  • Fix callback for Cover target position when called with same value consecutively.
  • Fix Windows TCP transport bug when using IP Secure Tunnelling.
  • Don’t create unreferenced asyncio Tasks. xknx.task_registry.background() can now be used to create background tasks.


  • Support Extended Connection Request Information (CRI) for requesting a specific individual address on Tunnelling v2.
  • Add Core v2 Error Code definitions.


  • Accept str | os.PathLike for Keyring path. Previously only str.
  • Rename _load_keyring to sync_load_keyring to make it public e.g. when it should be used from an executor.
  • Update CI. Use codespell and flake8-print.

2.4.0 Data Secure 2023-02-05

Data Secure

  • Support KNX Data Secure for group communication. Keys are sourced from an ETS keyring file.


  • Fix wrong string length in keyfile signature verification for multi-byte UTF-8 encoded attribute values.


  • destination_address in Telegram init is no longer optional.
  • timestamp attribute in Telegram is removed.
  • Rename to
  • Return bytes from BaseAddress.to_knx() instead of tuple[int, int]. This is used in IndividualAddress and GroupAddress.
  • Add BaseAddress.from_knx() to instantiate from bytes, remove instantiation form tuple[int, int].
  • Refactor APCI to return complete Subclass APCI.from_knx() and removed APCI.resolve_apci().

2.3.0 Routing security, DPTs and CEMI-Refactoring 2023-01-10


  • Add definitions for DPTs
    • 7.010 “prop_data_type”
    • 8.012 “length_m”
    • 9.009 “air_flow”
    • 9.029 “absolute_humidity”
    • 9.030 “concentration_ugm3”
    • 12.001 “pulse_4_ucount”
    • 12.100 “long_time_period_sec”
    • 12.101 “long_time_period_min”
    • 12.102 “long_time_period_hrs”
    • 13.016 “active_energy_mwh”
    • 14.080 “apparent_power”

IP Secure

  • SecureRouting: verify MAC of received TimerNotify frames.
  • SecureRouting: verify and handle timer value of received SecureWrapper frames after verification of MAC.
  • SecureRouting: Discard received unencrypted RoutingIndication frames.


  • Move CEMIFrame, CEMIFlags and CEMIMessageCode to xknx.cemi package.
  • Remove CEMIFrame.telegram setter in favour of init_from_telegram() staticmethod; convert from_knx() and from_knx_data_link_layer() to staticmethods returning a CEMIFrame.
  • Remove default values for CEMIFrame constructor.
  • Parse T_Data_Broadcast TPCI. Forward these telegrams to the Management class.
  • KNXIPHeader total_length is 2 bytes long. There are no reserved bytes.
  • Revert handling L_Data.req frames for incoming device management requests.
  • Decouple CEMIFrame handling from IP interface
    • Add CEMIHandler class. This class handles incoming CEMIFrames and dispatches them to the upper layers as Telegram objects and creates CEMIFrames from Telegram objects to be sent to the network.
    • Use CEMIFrame instead of Telegram in KNXIPInterface.

2.2.0 Expose cooldown 2022-12-27


  • ExposeSensor: Add cooldown option to allow rate-limiting of sent telegrams.
  • ExposeSensor: Add respond_to_read option.


  • Disconnect when tunnelling sequence number (UDP) gets out of sync.


  • Add task.done() to TaskRegistry tasks.
  • Decouple KNXIPFrame parsing from CEMIFrame parsing. TunnellingRequest and RoutingIndication now carry the raw cemi frame payload as bytes. This allows decoupled CEMIFrame parsing at a later time (in Interface class rather than in KNXIPTransport class) for better error handling and upcoming features.
  • Make KNXIPFrame body non-optional. Return KNXIPFrame object and remaining bytes from KNXIPFrame.from_knx() staticmethod.
  • Add new logger xknx.cemi for incoming and outgoing CEMIFrames.
  • Remove timestamp and line break in knx and raw logger.

2.1.0 Enhance notification device 2022-11-29


  • Notification: Add respond_to_read option.
  • Notification: Rename self._message to self.remote_value.

2.0.0 Find and Connect 2022-11-25

Interface changes

  • Removed own_address from XKNX class. ConnectionConfig individual_address can be used to set a source address for routing instead. If set for a secure tunnelling connection, a tunnel with this IA will be read from the knxkeys file.
  • Disable TelegramQueue rate limiting by default.
  • Separate discovery multicast group from routing group. Add multicast_group and multicast_port ConnectionConfig parameters.

Connection and Discovery

  • Use manually configured IP secure tunnel password over loading it from keyring.
  • GatewayScanFilter now also matches secure enabled gateways by default. The secure argument as been replaced by secure_tunnelling and secure_routing arguments. When multiple methods are True a gateway is matched if one of them is supported. Non-secure methods don’t match if secure is required for that gateway.
  • Self description queries more information from Core v2 devices via SearchRequestExtended.


  • Add support for python 3.11
  • Add methods to Keyring to get interfaces by individual address (host or tunnel).


  • Remove InterfaceWithUserIdNotFound and InvalidSignature errors in favor of InvalidSecureConfiguration.
  • Keyring: rename load_key_ring to load_keyring and make it a coroutine.


  • Fix APCI service parsing for 10bit control fields.
  • Set reasonable default count values for APCI classes.
  • Set xknx.current_address for routing connections so management frames received over Routing are handled properly.
  • Fix wrong length of AuthorizeRequest.
  • Raise sane error messages in Management.


  • No mutable default arguments. Fixes unexpected behaviour like GatewayScanner not finding all interfaces.

1.2.1 Hotfix release 2022-11-20


  • Fix Latency parsing in .knxkeys keyring files

1.2.0 Secure Routing 2022-10-10


  • We now support KNXnet/IP Secure multicast communication (secure routing) in addition to tunnelling! Thanks to Weinzierl for providing us a router for testing purposes!
  • Parse latency from a .knxkeys keyring files Backbone tag.
  • Use multicast_group from a .knxkeys keyring files MulticastAddress tag (Routing).
  • Support InternalGroupAddress in package.


  • Add TimerNotify frame parser

1.1.0 Routing flow control 2022-09-26


  • Convenience functions for KNX group communication (


  • Support flow control for routing


  • Add RoutingBusy frame parser
  • Add RoutingLostMessage frame parser

1.0.2 Route-back reconnect 2022-08-31


  • Fix expected sequence counter reset for UDP Tunnelling connections with route_back enabled.

1.0.1 Handle UDP hickups 2022-08-24


  • Correctly retry sending a TunnellingRequest if no TunnellingAck was received for the first time for UDP tunnelling connections.
  • Ignore repeated TunnellingRequests received from UDP tunnelling connections.
  • Properly log repeated heartbeat errors

1.0.0 Support for lukewarm temperatures 2022-08-13


  • Fix DPT2ByteFloat numeric range issues
  • Fix keyring parsing
  • We can now correctly parse 20,48 °C thus xknx is now a stable library

0.22.1 Wrong delivery 2022-07-29


  • Ignore received telegrams addressed to individual addresses other than XKNXs current address

0.22.0 Management 2022-07-26


  • Add support for creating point-to-point connections to do device management
  • Add nm_individual_address_check procedure to check if an individual address is in use on the network
  • Add dm_restart procedure to request a basic restart of a device
  • Remove PayloadReader class. Management procedure functions should be used to request data from individual devices.


  • Optionally return a list of Telegrams to be sent to an incoming request as reply. This is used for incoming device management requests. Callbacks for incoming requests (in Interface subclasses) are now handled in an asyncio Task.
  • Incoming L_DATA.req frames are confirmed (L_DATA.con) and replies / acks are sent as L_DATA.ind

0.21.5 Secure discovery bugfix 2022-06-28


  • Fix GatewayDescriptor parsing when SearchResponseExtended DIBs are in unexpected order

0.21.4 Fan out 2022-06-07


  • Fan: Add support for dedicated on/off switch GA
  • Sensor: Set unit_of_measurement for DPTString to None


  • Lock sending telegrams via a Tunnel until a confirmation is received
  • Use device subclass for device_updated_cb callback argument type hint
  • Fix CEMI Frame Ack-request flag set wrongly

0.21.3 Cover updates 2022-05-17


  • Cover: call device_updated_cb periodically when cover is moving
  • Cover: auto-send a stop for covers not supporting setting position
  • Cover: add invert_updown option to decouple updown from position
  • Cover: fix travel time prediction when receiving updates from bus while moving


  • Parse and encode different TPCI in a CEMIFrame or Telegram
  • Set priority “System” flag for point-to-point CEMI frames initialized by a Telegram

0.21.2 IP Secure Bug fixes 2022-05-04


  • IP Secure: Fix MAC calculation for 22-byte payloads
  • IP Secure: Fix Keyring loading


  • Rename TaskRegistry.register and Task task attribute to async_func to avoid confusion; return Task from start()

0.21.1 Fix Task Registry 2022-05-01


  • Fix exposure of datetime, time and date objects to the Bus again


  • TaskRegistry takes functions returning coroutines instead of coroutines directly

0.21.0 Search and connect 2022-04-30


  • Use unicast discovery endpoint to receive SearchRespones frames
  • Send SearchRequest and SearchRequestExtended simultaneously when using GatewayScanner
  • Skip SearchResponse results for Core-V2 devices - wait for SearchResponseExtended
  • Identify interfaces having KNX IP Secure Tunneling required and skip if using Automatic connection mode
  • Only send SearchRequests from one interface for each scan() call
  • Connect to next found interface in case of unsuccessful initial connection when using “automatic” mode


  • Use ifaddr instead of netifaces
  • make HPAI hashable and add addr_tuple convenice property

0.20.4 Fix exposure of time and date 2022-04-20


  • Fix exposure of datetime, time and date objects to the Bus


  • Add DIBSecuredServiceFamilies and DIBTunnelingInfo parser


  • Include base class in DPTBase.parse_transcoder() lookup
  • Move levels instance attribute form GroupAddress to address_format class variable
  • Remove xknx form every class in the knxip package: CEMIFrame, KNXIPFrame and KNXIPBody (and subclasses)
  • Remove xknx form every class in the io.request_response package
  • Remove xknx form io.transport package and io.secure_session and io.self_description modules

0.20.3 Threading fixes 2022-04-15


  • Notification: add value_type argument to set “string” or “latin_1” text encoding

Bug fixes

  • Fix call from wrong thread in ConnectionManager
  • Fix thread leak when restarting XKNX


  • Change RemoteValueString to _RemoteValueGeneric subclass

0.20.2 Handle shutdown properly 2022-04-11

Bug fixes

  • Properly shutdown climate mode if climate.shutdown() is called and ClimateMode exists

0.20.1 Add support for DPT 16.001 and SearchRequestExtended 2022-04-05


  • Add support for SearchRequestExtended to find interfaces that allow IP Secure
  • Use XKNX state_updater argument to set default method for StateUpdater. StateUpdater is always started - Device / RemoteValue can always opt in to use it, even if default is False.
  • Add support for DPT 16.001 (DPT_String_8859_1) as DPTLatin1 with value_type “latin_1”.

Bug fixes

  • Stop SecureSession keepalive_task when session is stopped (and don’t restart it from sending STATUS_CLOSE)
  • Fix encoding invalid characters for DPTString (value_type “string”)

0.20.0 IP Secure 2022-03-29


  • We now support IP Secure! Thanks to MDT for providing us an interface for testing purposes!
  • Add support for requesting tunnel interface information


  • add SessionRequest, SessionResponse, SessionAuthenticate, SessionStatus, SecureWrapper Frame parser


  • Drop support for Python 3.8 to follow Home Assistant changes
  • Return bytes from to_knx() in knxip package instead of list[int]
  • Add a callback for connection_lost of TCP transports to Tunnel

0.19.2 TCP Heartbeat 2022-02-06


  • Do a ConnectionStateRequest heartbeat on TCP tunnel connections too


  • Handle invalid payloads per RemoteValue, log a readable warning

0.19.1 Bugfix for route_back 2022-01-31


  • Tunneling: Fix route_back connections sending to invalid address


  • add DescriptionRequest and DescriptionResponse Frame parser

0.19.0 Tunneling connection protocol 2022-01-18


  • Handle ConversionError in RemoteValue, log a readable warning


  • Raise if an initial connection can not be established, auto-reconnect only when the connection was successful once
  • Add support for TCP tunnel connections
  • Optionally run KNXIPInterface in separate thread
  • Handle separate Tunneling control and data endpoints
  • Fix rate limiter wait time: don’t add time waiting for ACK or L_DATA.con frames to the rate_limit


  • Some refactoring and code movement in the io module - especially in KNXIPInterface; renamed UDPClient to UDPTransport
  • Cleanup some list generating code in the knxip module

0.18.15 Come back almighty Gateway Scanner 2021-12-22


  • Fix Gateway Scanner on Linux

0.18.14 Tunnelling flow control 2021-12-20


  • Tunnel: Implement flow control according to KNX spec recommendations: wait for L_DATA.con frame before sending next L_DATA.req with 3 second timeout
  • Logging: Some changes to loggers like knx now includes the source/destination HPAI and a timestamp
  • Fix a rare race-condition in the gateway scanner where a non-existing interface was queried

0.18.13 Hold your colour 2021-11-13


  • Fix GatewayScanner on MacOS and Windows and only return one instance of a gateway


  • Light: Only send to global switch or brightness address if individual colors are configured to not overwrite actuator colors
  • Light: Debounce individual colors callback to mitigate color flicker in visualizations

0.18.12 Add always callback to NumericValue and RawValue 2021-11-01


  • Gatewayscanner now also reports the individual address of the gateway
  • Outgoing telegrams will now have the correct source_address if tunneling is used


  • Added always_callback option to NumericValue and RawValue

0.18.11 Task Registry 2021-10-16


  • Stop state updater if connection is lost and restart if restored
  • Add central task registry to keep track of tasks spawned in devices

0.18.10 Connection Manager 2021-10-13


  • DPTString: replace invalid characters with question marks in to_knx
  • Catch and log exceptions raised in callbacks to not stall the TelegramQueue
  • Handle callbacks in separate asyncio Tasks
  • GatewayScanFilter: Ignore non-gateway KNX/IP devices
  • Introduce connection state change handler

Home Assistant Plugin

  • Properly handle disconnected state in the UI.

0.18.9 HS-color 2021-07-26


  • Light: Support for HS-color (DPT 5.003 hue and 5.001 saturation)

0.18.8 Position-only cover 2021-06-30


  • Cover: enable set_up and set_down with group_address_position only (without group_address_long).

0.18.7 RawValue 2021-06-18


  • Add RawValue device.
  • Remove unused HA-specific attributes (unique_id, device_class, create_sensors).
  • Climate: add group_address_active_state, group_address_command_value_state and a is_active property.
  • Configurable sync_state in all devices.

0.18.6 NumericValue 2021-06-11


  • Add respond_to_read option to Switch. If True GroupValueRead telegrams addressed to the group_address are answered.
  • Add NumericValue device.


  • Add RemoteValueNumeric for values of type float | int.
  • Fix DPTBase classmethod return types

0.18.5 DPTNumeric 2021-06-08


  • DPTBase.parse_transcoder is now a classmethod to allow parsing only subclasses.
  • Add DPTNumeric as base class for DPTs representing numeric values.

0.18.4 ClimateMode bugfix 2021-06-04


  • ClimateMode: Fix telegram processing when operation_mode and controller_mode (heat/cool) are both used

0.18.3 XYY colors 2021-05-30


  • Light: Support for xyY-color (DPT 242.600)

0.18.2 Climate and Light improvements 2021-05-11


  • Climate: Make setpoint_shift_mode optional. When None assign its DPT from the first incoming payload.
  • Light: Support individual color lights without switch object

0.18.1 Internal group addresses 2021-04-23


  • Add InternalGroupAddress for communication between Devices without sending to the bus.


  • RemoteValue.value changed to a settable property. It is used to create payloads for outgoing telegrams.
  • RemoteValue.update_value (async) sets a new value and awaits the callbacks without sending to the bus.
  • Round DPT 14 values to precision of 7 digits



  • Add support for cover lock
  • ExposeSensor values can now be read from other xknx devices that share a group address
  • Add more information to sensors and binary sensors in the HA integration

Breaking Changes

  • Remove configuration handling from core library (use


  • Drop support for python 3.7
  • use pytest tests instead of unittest TestCase
  • Move RequestResponse and subclasses to*
  • Move ConnectionConfig to
  • Store last Telegram and decoded value in RemoteValue
  • Improve CI to use Codecov instead of Coveralls for code coverage reports

0.17.5 Add support for unique ids 2021-03-30

HA integration

  • Add experimental (opt-in) support for unique ids


  • Remove unfinished config v2

0.17.4 Bugfix for ValueReader 2021-03-26


  • Comparing GroupAddress or IndividualAddress to other types don’t raise TypeError anymore
  • Specify some type annotations

0.17.3 Passive addresses 2021-03-16


  • Accept lists of group addresses using the heads for group_address / group_address_state and the tails for passive_group_addresses in every Device (and RemoteValue)
  • Sensor: Don’t allow floats in DPTBase value_type parser

0.17.2 Value templates 2021-03-10


  • BinarySensor, Sensor: add ha_value_template attribute to store HomeAssistant value templates


  • Distribute type annotations

0.17.1 Cover up 2021-02-23


  • Cover: Use correct step direction when stopping


  • Convert all Enums to upper case to satisfy pylint

0.17.0 Route back 2021-02-19

New Features

  • Add new optional config route_back for connections to be able to work behind NAT.
  • Read env vars after reading config file to allow dynamic config.

HA integration

  • knx_event: fire also for outgoing telegrams


  • BinarySensor: return None for BinarySensor.counter when context timeout is not used (and don’t calculate it)
  • Climate: Add create_temperature_sensors option to create dedicated sensors for current and target temperature.
  • Weather (breaking change!): Renamed expose_sensors to create_sensors to prevent confusion with the XKNX expose_sensor device type.
  • Weather: Added wind bearing attribute that accepts a value in degrees (0-360) for determining wind direction.


  • RemoteValue is Generic now accepting DPTArray or DPTBinary
  • split RemoteValueClimateMode into RemoteValueControllerMode and RemoteValueOperationMode
  • return the payload (or None) in RemoteValue.payload_valid(payload) instead of bool
  • Light colors are represented as Tuple[Tuple[int,int,int], int] instead of Tuple[List[int], int] now
  • DPT 3 payloads/values are not invertable anymore.
  • Tunnel: Interface changed - gateway_ip, gateway_port before local_ip, local_port added with default 0.
  • Tunnel: default auto_reconnectto True

0.16.3 Fan contributions 2021-02-06


  • Fan: Add max_step attribute which defines the maximum amount of steps. If set, the fan is controlled by steps instead of percentage.
  • Fan: Add group_address_oscillation and group_address_oscillation_state attributes to control the oscillation of a fan.

0.16.2 Bugfix for YAML loader 2021-01-24


  • fix conflict with HA YAML loader

0.16.1 HA register services 2021-01-16

HA integration

  • knx_event: renamed fire_event_filter to event_filter and deprecated fire_event config option. A callback is now always registered for HA to be able to modify its group_addresses filter from a service.
  • added knx.event_register service allowing to add and remove group addresses to trigger knx_event without having to change configuration.
  • added knx.exposure_register service allowing to add and remove ExposeSensor instances at runtime


  • remove DPTComparator: DPTBinary and DPTArray are not equal, even if their .value is, and are never equal to None.
  • add Device.shutdown() method (used eg. when removing ExposeSensor)
  • TelegramQueue.Callback: add group_addresses attribute to store a list of GroupAddress triggering the callback (additionally to address_filters).
  • add a lot of type annotations

0.16.0 APCI possibilities considerably increased 2021-01-01


  • Sensor: add DPT-3 datatypes “stepwise_dimming”, “stepwise_blinds”, “startstop_dimming”, “startstop_blinds”
  • Light: It is now possible to control lights using individual group addresses for red, green, blue and white

HA integration

  • knx_event: renamed address to destination and added source, telegramtype, direction attributes.


  • Tunnel connections process DisconnectRequest now and closes/reconnects the tunnel when the other side closes gracefully
  • XKNX.connected Event can be used in future to await for a working connection or stop/relaunch tasks if the connection is lost
  • Lower heartbeat rate from every 15sec to every 70 sec and raise ConnectionstateRequest timeout from 1 to 10sec (3/8/1 KNXip Overview §5.8 Timeout Constants)
  • clean up Tunnel class
  • refactored timeout handling in GatewayScanner, RequestResponse and ValueReader.
  • renamed “PhysicalAddress” to “IndividualAddress”
  • Telegram: group_address renamed to destination_address, to prepare support for other APCI services and add source_address
  • Telegram: remove Telegram.telegramtype and replace with payload object derived from xknx.telegram.apci.APCI.
  • CEMIFrame: remove CEMIFrame.cmd, which can be derived from CEMIFrame.payload.
  • APCI: extend APCI services (e.g. MemoryRead/Write/Response, PropertyRead/Write/Response, etc).
  • Farewell Travis CI; Welcome Github Actions!
  • StateUpdater allow float values for register_remote_value(tracker_options) attribute.
  • Handle exceptions from received unsupported or not implemented KNXIP Service Type identifiers

0.15.6 Bugfix for StateUpater 2020-11-26


  • StateUpdater: shield from cancellation so update_received() don’t cancel ongoing RemoteValue.read_state()

0.15.5 A Telegram for everyone 2020-11-25


  • process every incoming Telegram in all Devices, regardless if a callback for the GA is registered (eg. StateUpdater) or not.


  • StateUpdater: always close the update task before starting a new in StateTracker
  • Cover: separate target and state position RemoteValue to fix position update from RemoteValue and call after_update()

0.15.4 Bugfix for switch 2020-11-22


  • Light, Switch: initialize state with None instead of False to account for unknown state.
  • Cover: device_class may be used to store the type of cover for Home-Assistant.
  • HA-Entity Light, Switch, Cover: initialize with assumed_state = True until we have received a state.


  • Switch.after_update was not called from RemoteValueSwitch.read_state (StateUpdater). Moved Switch.state to RemoteValue again.
  • StateUpdater: query less aggressive - 2 parallel reads with 2 seconds timeout (instead of 3 - 1).

0.15.3 Opposite day! 2020-10-29


  • BinarySensor: added option to invert payloads
  • BinarySensor: ignore_internal_state and counter are only applied to GroupValueWrite telegrams, not GroupValueRespond.
  • BinarySensor: if context_timeout is set ignore_internal_state is set to True.
  • Switch: added option to invert payloads


  • HA Switch entity: keep state without state_address
  • Cover: fix set_position without writable position / auto_stop_if_necessary
  • handle unsupported CEMI Messages without losing tunnel connection

0.15.2 Winter is coming


  • ClimateMode: Refactor climate modes in operation_mode and controller_mode, also fixes a bug for binary operation modes where the mode would be set to AWAY no matter what value was sent to the bus.
  • Sensor: Add always_callback option
  • Switch: Allow resetting switches after x seconds with the new reset_after option.


  • StateUpdater: Only request 3 GAs at a time.
  • RemoteValue: Add support for passive group addresses

0.15.1 bugfix for binary sensors


  • BinarySensor: reset_after expects seconds, instead of ms now (to use same unit as context_timeout)
  • Binary Sensor: Change the default setting context_timeout for binary sensor from 1.0 to 0.0 and fixes a bug that would result in the update callback being executed twice thus executing certain automations in HA twice for binary sensor from 1.0 to 0.0 and fixes a bug that would result in the update callback being executed twice thus executing certain automations in HA twice.

0.15.0 Spring cleaning and quality of life changes


  • An additional log_directory parameter has been introduced that allows you to log your KNX logs to a dedicated file. We will likely silence more logs over the time but this option will help you and us to triage issues easier in the future. It is disabled by default.


  • The heartbeat task, that is used to monitor the state of the tunnel and trigger reconnects if it doesn’t respond, is now properly stopped once we receive the first reconnect request
  • XKNX.start() no longer takes arguments. They are now passed directly to the constructor when instantiating XKNX()
  • Support for python 3.6 has been dropped
  • XKNX can now be used as an asynchronous context manager
  • Internal refactorings
  • Improve test coverage

0.14.4 Bugfix release


  • Don’t set standby operation mode if telegram was not processed by any RemoteValue
  • Allow covers to be inverted again
  • Correctly process outgoing telegrams in our own devices

0.14.3 Bugfix release


  • Make connectivity less noisy on connection errors.

0.14.2 Bugfix release


  • Correctly reset the counter of the binary sensor after a trigger.

0.14.1 Bugfix release


  • Use correct DPT 9.006 for the air pressure attribute of weather devices
  • Reset binary sensor counters after the context has been timed out in order to be able to use state change events within HA
  • Code cleanups

0.14.0 New sensor types and refactoring of binary sensor automations

Breaking changes

  • Binary sensor automations within the home assistant integration have been refactored to use the HA built in events as automation source instead of having the automation schema directly attached to the sensors. (Migration Guide:

New Features

  • Add support for new sensor types DPT 12.1200 (DPT_VolumeLiquid_Litre) and DPT 12.1201 (DPTVolumeM3).
  • Weather devices now have an additional brightness_north GA to measure the brightness. Additionally, all sensor values are now part of the HA device state attributes for a given weather device.


  • Fix hourly broadcasting of localtime


  • Allow to pass GroupAddress and PhysicalAddress objects to wherever an address is acceptable.
  • Stop heartbeat and reconnect tasks before disconnecting

0.13.0 New weather device and bugfixes for HA integration

Deprecation notes

  • Python 3.5 is no longer supported

New Features

  • Adds support for a weather station via a dedicated weather device
  • support for configuring the previously hard-coded multicast address (@jochembroekhoff #312)


  • GatewayScanner: Passing None or an integer <= 0 to the stop_on_found parameter now causes the scanner to only stop once the timeout is reached (@jochembroekhoff #311)
  • Devices are now added automatically to the xknx.devices list after initialization
  • Device.sync() method now again has a wait_for_result parameter that allows the user to wait for the telegrams
  • The default timeout of the ValueReader has been extended from 1 second to 2 seconds


  • Device: Fixes a bug (#339) introduced in 0.12.0 so that it is again possible to have multiple devices with the same name in the HA integration

0.12.0 New StateUpdater, improvements to the HA integrations and bug fixes 2020-08-14

Breaking changes

  • Climate: setpoint_shift_step renamed for temperature_step. This attribute can be applied to all temperature modes. Default is 0.1
  • Removed significant_bit attribute in BinarySensor
  • DateTime devices are initialized with string for broadcast_type: “time”, “date” or “datetime” instead of an Enum value
  • Removed bind_to_multicast option in ConnectionConfig and UDPClient

New Features

  • Cover: add optional group_address_stop for manual stopping
  • Cover: start travel calculator when up/down telegram from bus is received
  • HA integration: knx.send service takes type attribute to allow sending DPT encoded values like sensor
  • HA integration: sensor and expose accept int and float values for type (parsed as DPT numbers)
  • new StateUpdater: Devices sync_state can be set to init to just initialize state on startup, expire [minutes] to read the state from the KNX bus when it was not updated for [minutes] or every [minutes] to update it regularly every [minutes]
  • Sensor and ExposeSensor now also accepts value_type of int (generic DPT) or float (specific DPT) if implemented.
  • Added config option ignore_internal_state in binary sensors (@andreasnanko #267)
  • Add support for 2byte float type (DPT 9.002) to climate shiftpoint
  • ClimateMode: add group_address_operation_mode_standby as binary operation mode
  • ClimateMode: add group_address_heat_cool and `group_address_heat_cool_state for switching heating mode / cooling mode with DPT1


  • Tunneling: don’t process incoming L_Data.con confirmation frames. This avoids processing every outgoing telegram twice.
  • enable multicast on macOS and fix a bug where unknown cemi frames raise a TypeError on routing connections
  • BinarySensor: reset_after is now implemented as asyncio.Task to prevent blocking the loop
  • ClimateMode: binary climate modes should be fully functional now (sending, receiving and syncing)
  • Cover: position update from bus does update current position, but not target position (when moving)


  • Cover travelcalculator doesn’t start from 0% but is initialized by first movement or status telegram
  • Cover uses 0% for open cover and 100% for closed cover now
  • DPT classes can now be searched via value_type string or dpt number from any parent class (DPTBase for all) to be used in Sensor
  • Use RemoteValue class in BinarySensor, DateTime and ClimateMode device
  • use time.struct_time for internal time and date representation
  • use a regular Bool type for BinarySensor state representation
  • RemoteValue.process has always_callback attribute to run the callbacks on every process even if the payload didn’t change
  • Separate incoming and outgoing telegram queues; apply rate limit only for outgoing telegrams
  • Automatically publish packages to pypi (@Julius2342 #277)
  • keep xknx version in xknx/ (@farmio #278)
  • add raw_socket logger (@farmio #299)

0.11.3 Sensor types galore! 2020-04-28

New Features

  • added a lot of DPTs now usable as sensor type (@eXtenZy #255)


  • DPT_Step correction (used in Cover) (@recMartin #260)
  • prevent reconnects on unknown CEMI Messages (@farmio #271)
  • fix the parsing of operation mode strings to HVACOperationMode (@FredericMa #266)
  • corrected binding to multicast address in Windows (Routing) (@FredericMa #256)
  • finish tasks when stopping xknx (@farmio #264, #274)


  • some code cleanup (dpt, telegram and remote_value module) (@farmio #232)
  • refactor Notification device (@farmio #245)

0.11.2 Add invert for climate on_off; fixed RGBW lights and stability improvements 2019-09-29

New Features

  • Sensor: add DPT 9.006 as pressure_2byte #223 (@michelde)
  • Climate: add new attribute on_off_invert #225 (@tombbo)


  • Light: Fix for wrong structure of RGBW DPT 251.600 #231 (@dstrigl)
  • Core: Correct handling of E_NO_MORE_CONNECTIONS within ConnectResponses #217 (@Julius2342)
  • Core: Fix exceptions #234 (@elupus)
  • Core: Avoid leaking ValueError exception on unknown APCI command #235 (@elupus)
  • add tests for Climate on_off_invert (#233) @farmio
  • merge HA plugin from upstream 0.97.2 (#224) @farmio
  • Small adjustments to the sensor documentation and example (#219) @biggestj
  • merge HA plugin from upstream @farmio

0.11.1 Bugfix release 2019-07-08

  • Optionally disable reading (GroupValueRead) for sensor and binary_sensor #216 @farmio

0.11.0 Added new sensor types and fixed a couple of bugs 2019-06-12


  • Auto detection of local ip: #184 (@farmio )
  • Added new sensor types and fix existing: #189 (@farmio ) - binary mapped to RemoteValueSwitch - angle DPT 5.003 - percentU8DPT 5.004 (1 byte unscaled) - percentV8 DPT 6.001 (1 byte signed unscaled) - counterpulses DPT 6.010 - DPT 8.*** types (percentV16, delta_time*, rotation_angle, 2byte_signed and DPT-8) - luminous_flux DPT 14.042 - pressure DPT 14.058 - string DPT 16.000 - scene_number DPT 17.001
  • Binary values are now exposable
  • Add support for RGBW lights - DPT 251.600: #191 #206 (@phbaer )
  • Bump PyYAML to latest version (5.1): #204 (@Julius2342 )
  • Add DPT-8 support for Sensors and HA Sensors: #208 (@farmio )

Breaking changes

  • Scene: scene_number is now 1 indexed according to KNX standards
  • Replaced group_address in BinarySensor with group_address_state (not for Home Assistant component)


  • Fix pulse sensor type: #187 (@farmio )
  • Fix climate device using setpoint_shift: #190 (@farmio )
  • Read binary sensors on startup: #199 (@farmio )
  • Updated YAML to use safe mode: #196 (@farmio )
  • Update #195 (thanks @amp-man)
  • Code refactoring: #200 (@farmio )
  • Fix #194, #193, #129, #116, #114
  • Fix #183 and #148 through #190 (@farmio )

0.10.0 Bugfix release 2019-02-22

  • Connection config can now be configured in xknx.yml (#179 @farmio )
  • (breaking change) Introduced target_temperature_state for climate devices (#175 @marvin-w )
  • Introduce a configurable rate limit (#178 @marvin-w)
  • updated HA plugin (#174 @marvin-w)
  • Migrate documentation in main project (#168 @marvin-w)
  • documentation updates (@farmio & @marvin-w)

0.9.4 - Release 2019-01-01

  • updated hass plugin (@marvin-w #162)
  • tunable white and color temperature for lights (@farmio #154)

0.9.3 - Release 2018-12-23

  • updated requirements (added flake8-isort)
  • some more unit tests
  • Breaking Change: ClimateMode is now a member of Climate (the hass plugin needs this kind of dependency. Please note the updated xknx.yml)

0.9.2 - Release 2018-12-22

  • Min and max values for Climate device
  • split up Climate in Climate and ClimateMode
  • added contains method for Devices class.
  • fixed KeyError when action refers to a non existing device.

0.9.1 - Release 2018-10-28

  • state_addresses of binary_sesor should return empty value if no state address is set.
  • state_address for notification device

0.9.0 - Release 2018-09-23

  • Updated requirements
  • Feature: Added new DPTs for DPTEnthalpy, DPTPartsPerMillion, DPTVoltage. Thanks @magenbrot #146
  • Breaking Change: Only read explicit state addresses #140
  • Minor: Fixed some comments, @magenbrot #145
  • Minor: lowered loglevel from INFO to DEBUG for ‘correct answer from KNX bus’ @magenbrot #144
  • Feature: Add fan device, @itineric #139
  • Bugfix: Tunnel: Use the bus address assigned by the server, @M-o-a-T #141
  • Bugfix: Adde:wd a check for windows because windows does not support add_signal @pulse-mind #135
  • Bugfix: correct testing if xknx exists within self @FireFrei #131
  • Feature: Implement support to automatically reconnect KNX/IP tunnel, @rnixx #125
  • Feature: Adjusted to Home Assistant’s changes to light colors @oliverblaha #128
  • Feature: Scan multiple gateways @DrMurx #111
  • Bugfix: Pylint errors @rnixx #132
  • Typo: @itineric #124
  • Feature: Add support for KNX DPT 20.105 @cian #122

0.8.5 -Release 2018-03-10

  • Bugfix: fixed string representation of GroupAddress

0.8.4 -Release 2018-03-04

  • Bugfix: invert scaling value #114
  • Minor: current_brightness and current_color are now properties
  • Feature: Added DPT 5.010 DPTValue1Ucount @andreasnanko #109

0.8.3 - Release 2018-02-05

  • Color support for HASS plugin
  • Bugfixes (esp problem with unhashable exceptions)
  • Refactoring: split up
  • Better test coverage

0.8.1 - Release 2018-02-03

  • Basic support for colored lights
  • Better unit test coverage

0.8.0 - Release 2018-01-27

  • New example for MQTT forwarder (thanks @JohanElmis)
  • split up Address into GroupAddress and PhysicalAddress (thanks @encbladexp)
  • Time object was renamed to Datetime and does now support different broadcast types “time”, “date” and “datetime” (thanks @Roemer)
  • Many new DTP datapoints esp for physical values (thanks @Straeng and @JohanElmis)
  • new asyncio await syntax
  • new device “ExposeSensor” to read a local value from KNX bus or to expose a local value to KNX bus.
  • Support for KNX-scenes
  • better test coverage
  • Fixed versions for dependencies (@encbladexp)

And many more smaller improvements :-)

0.7.7-0.7.18 - Release 2017-11-05

  • Many iterations and bugfixes to get climate support with setpoint shift working.
  • Support for invert-position and invert-angle within cover.
  • State updater may be switched of within home assistant plugin

0.7.6 - Release 2017-08-09

Introduced KNX HVAC/Climate support with operation modes (Frost protection, night, comfort).

0.7.0 - Released 2017-07-30

More asyncio:

More intense usage of asyncio. All device operations and callback functions are now async.

E.g. to switch on a light you have to do:

await light.set_on()

See updated examples for details.

Renaming of several objects:

The naming of some device were changed in order to get the nomenclature closer to several other automation projects and to avoid confusion. The device objects were also moved into xknx.devices.


Renamed class Thermostat to Climate . Please rename the section within configuration:

    Cellar.Thermostat: { group_address_temperature: "6/2/0" }


Renamed class Shutter to Cover. Please rename the section within configuration:

        group_address_long: "1/4/1",
        group_address_short: "1/4/2",
        group_address_position_feedback: "1/4/3",
        group_address_position: "1/4/4",
        travel_time_down: 50,
        travel_time_up: 60,

Binary Sensor

Renamed class Switch to BinarySensor. Please rename the section within configuration:

      group_address: "5/0/0"

Sensors with value_type=binary are now integrated into the BinarySensor class:

      { group_address: "6/0/0", device_class: "motion" }
    ExtraRoom.Motion.Sensor: { group_address: "6/0/1", device_class: "motion" }

The attribute significant_bit is now only possible within binary_sensors:

      { group_address: "3/0/2", device_class: "motion", significant_bit: 2 }


Renamed Outlet to Switch (Sorry for the confusion…). The configuration now looks like:

    Livingroom.Outlet_1: { group_address: "1/3/1" }
    Livingroom.Outlet_2: { group_address: "1/3/2" }

Within Light class i introduced an attribute group_address_brightness_state. The attribute group_address_state was renamed to group_address_switch_state. I also removed the attribute group_address_dimm (which did not have any implemented logic).

Version 0.6.2 - Released 2017-07-24

XKNX Tunnel now does hartbeat - and reopens connections which are no longer valid.

Version 0.6.0 - Released 2017-07-23

Using asyncio interface, XKNX has now to be stated and stopped asynchronously:

import asyncio
from xknx import XKNX, Outlet

async def main():
    xknx = XKNX()
    await xknx.start()
    outlet = Outlet(xknx,
    await asyncio.sleep(2)
    await xknx.stop()

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

sync_state was renamed to sync:

await sensor2.sync()