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Fans are simple representations of KNX controlled fans. They support switching on/off, setting the speed and the oscillation.


  • xknx XKNX object.
  • name name of the device.
  • group_address_speed is the KNX group address of the fan speed. Used for sending. If no group_address_switch is provided, it will implicitly control switching the fan on/off as well. DPT 5.001 / 5.010
  • group_address_speed_state is the KNX group address of the fan speed state. Used for updating and reading state. DPT 5.001 / 5.010
  • group_address_oscillation is the KNX group address of the oscillation. Used for sending. DPT 1.001
  • group_address_oscillation_state is the KNX group address of the fan oscillation state. Used for updating and reading state. DPT 1.001
  • group_address_switch is the KNX group address of the fan on/off state. If not used, on/off will implicitly be controlled via group_address_speed instead. Used for sending. DPT 1.001
  • group_address_switch_state is the KNX group address of the fan on/off state. Used for updating and reading state. DPT 1.001
  • sync_state defines if and how often the value should be actively read from the bus. If False no GroupValueRead telegrams will be sent to its group address. Defaults to True
  • device_updated_cb Callback for each update.
  • max_step Maximum step amount for fans which are controlled with steps and not percentage. If this attribute is set, the fan is controlled by sending the step value in the range 0 and max_step. In that case, the group address DPT changes from DPT 5.001 to DPT 5.010. Default: None


fan = Fan(

# Set the fan speed
await fan.set_speed(50)

# Accessing speed

# Set the oscillation
await fan.set_oscillation(True)

# Accessing oscillation

# Accessing on/off state

# Requesting state via KNX GroupValueRead
await fan.sync()